Ten seconds is all the time it takes for someone to form an impression about your website. While every website’s design needs to impress its audience, flawless medical website design is absolutely crucial. You are dealing with people’s health and they want to be sure they are putting their trust in the right hands. Their logic is if a medical practice can’t create a credible website, what gives them the credibility deal with someone’s health? This article discusses the five key components of web design that will help ensure such credibility for your medical practice.
Everything on your website must be error free. If your company has mistakes on its website, it makes it seem as though the little things easily slip past your notice. When it comes to someone’s health, such practices will not fly. A run-through of your website is vital. Look at images and videos on each page to make sure they are loading properly. Ensure that there are no typos or grammatical errors in your website’s text. Check links to make sure they take your patients to the right place. It’s also important to make sure that everything is loading quickly and efficiently. Nothing says negligence quite like a webpage that takes several minutes to load.
These days, the best websites across all fields embrace minimalist design. Everything should be catered to a streamlined approach. This might seem difficult, especially when you are trying to convey a lot of information about complex medical procedures and ideas. However, it can still be done. Be creative in your endeavors–use images and video to explain necessary information and use as little text as possible. What’s most important in minimalist design is making sure the most important information is readily available to your audience. Don’t waste your time with lengthy descriptions. Get right to the point of what they need to know and then they can come to you with questions they may have.
For web design, it’s vital that you create the right balance of tone. You want to have a level of seriousness, but you also want to seem caring and warm. Accomplish this by saying what your company offers, but adding what makes your company unique. For example, instead of saying “we offer the best heart treatment options” tailor it more to your audience by saying “we’ve been solving heart problems in Ireland since 1999.” This small change helps your audience feel a connection to who you are and it establishes exactly what you do. The use of solve heart problems is so much warmer than we provide treatments. It’s not a sales pitch, it’s not robotic. It’s more involved with helping your patients, rather than just treating their illnesses.
Your goal with your website’s design should always be getting your audience to contact you, reserve an appointment, and ultimately get to your office. With that goal in mind, it’s important to have each page establish a call to action that encourages your audience to get in touch with you via a contact page or contact form that is easily accessible on each part of your website.
The best way to ensure more traffic to your website is to have meaningful content. The general guideline is that the more time a person spends on your site, the more likely they are to take action and use your services. In medical website design, this is actually pretty easy because the average joe doesn’t know as much about medicine as you do. Use your knowledge to your advantage by writing it into a digestible, meaningful blog that anyone can read. With each piece, help people learn about their health and help them know about the resources and treatments you can provide to improve their health.
When planning medical website design, start by creating credibility and meaningful content on a well-functioning platform that informs an audience and encourages them to take action. The perfect web design company partners with you to do that and so much more to not only reach your company’s goals but to help it excel to the next level.