Deemed the plague of digital retail, eCommerce abandoned carts are amounting to billions of dollars lost in revenue. If you’re operating an online shop, you know all too well, and dread, the abandoned items, forgotten, dismissed or removed. Retargeting customers that once showed a strong intention of purchase is necessary but shouldn’t take all of your time, energy and budget so you can keep doing what you do: grow a business. Enter 5 tools that take most of the workload away so you can claim back that shopper that was rightly yours.

To efficiently recover lost sales, you can track users and spark their memory (and possibly manage a conversion) through advertising, or you can analyze their browsing behavior to improve your content accordingly.

In terms of remarketing via advertising, AdRoll offers an array of interesting features. The main benefit of their solution is its versatility; your ads can shadow users across different platforms: browsers, apps, social media…
Another key element is the ability to segment your campaigns based on product and/or progression in the purchase funnel. This allows you to better qualify your targets. With analytics reporting and you can track your spending and allocate your $$ more efficiently.

Crazy Egg
ecommerce abandoned carts

Crazy Egg is also an interesting retargeting tools, albeit indirectly geared towards abandoned carts. The tool helps you to gain insight in browsing/shopping behaviors so you can fix and improve. In essence, Crazy Egg tells you where the customers are coming from (so you can add details to your buyer’s personas). It displays where the users are on a page, where they click and how far down a page they are willing to browse.
Those features are priceless to guide you towards more efficiency: know what works, what may be missing, what CTAs are not performing and what content you need to keep up on the page rather than relegated to the bottom.
Cart abandonment is not only due to a real lack of intention or a change of heart. If the purchase doesn’t go through, it may simply be because some elements were missing. That’s where Crazy Egg is useful.

The staggering volume of eCommerce abandoned carts has prompted many retailers to try and engage the customers more directly. Email campaigns are still widely used in the industry, though new behaviors make it clear that personal contact needs to go one step further.

retarget ecommerce abandoned carts

You’re in business, so you know everything sits on 3 principles in retargeting campaigns: recover, retain, optimize.
Rejoiner allows you to recover lost sales through responsive, customized emails. You bring customers directly back to their cart. Via consistent communication and product display, it helps you gain the loyalty of your best customers and retain their favor. A/B testing and metrics reporting gives you an edge to spend efficiently. The cherry on the cake is that Rejoiner also includes a feature predicting what product people may buy next.

In the email retargeting tools family, CartStack holds its ground. Message and visual content personalization to fit your brand identity, automated recovery (like most, still a must-have) and actionable reporting.
Simply put, automated recovery means you set up the rules for remarketing and see what happens. Actionable reporting is the next step. Analyzing the results regarding opening rate, click rate and conversion tells you exactly what works and what needs improvement.
Choosing an email solution to retarget eCommerce abandoned carts can be a bit daunting. CartStack offers $1,000 recovery guarantee, or else!

Carts Guru
Finally, at last, a comprehensive tool that lets e-shops retarget at a multi channel level. New kid on the block, Carts Guru understands that the way people shop, communicate and use digital devices need to be taken into account. The plugin seamlessly integrates within the major eCommerce platforms (or via an API) and offers 4 solutions to grab the customers back: traditional email, text messaging, text with callback option and automated call.

You can use any by itself or create combinations. You have complete control over your retargeting scenarios (based on product or category, transaction amount, time between triggers,…). The fully loaded dashboard generates data in real time so you can monitor performance, test criteria and improve the campaigns.
Knowing that a text message is read within minutes of reception, the potential for conversion takes a new dimension. You can try Carts Guru for free until you recover $2,500 in sales (or for 14 days, whichever occurs first).

These 5 solutions to retarget eCommerce abandoned carts are but a few of what is available. As with any remarketing strategy, be it on site improvement or customer engagement, the first order of action is identifying segments to target and understanding shopping behavior. Not every abandoned order is worth recovering.

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