We know that one of the most exciting steps to building a website, for both designers and clients, is the Mockup Design process. After all, we can talk about to the functionality and graphics with words all day long, but most of us are visual learners.

In order to deliver a product as important as a client’s website, the appropriate time and resources have to be invested – internally as well as by the client. Internally, website mockups are brainstormed, designed, reviewed, and refined by the design and development teams. Once this is complete, clients are given the opportunity to provide feedback. Successful collaboration between the designer and client is highly dependent on the effectiveness of their communication.

Zen-Den-Web-Design-Magento-eCommerce-ThemeSo whenever possible, we present website mockups to our clients in person. This makes it possible to conduct a full walkthrough of the website’s design and functionalities, and to see and hear client reactions first hand for instant feedback.

Step 1. Click on the link(s) to view the mockup in a web browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari).

Step 2. In your web browser, hover over the mockup design to display the magnifying glass icon and left-click once with your mouse to expand the image to 100% (full-size).

Step 3. View the mockup design.

The team at Zen Den Web Design works closely with clients to create a visual identity that is unique to their business. Our custom designed logos and graphics help businesses of all sizes and industries establish their identity, gain visibility, and ultimately boost sales.

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