The Digital Innovation and THE BEAUTY OF WORDPRESS

By: Chad Bell
One of the most common requests I get from customers is the ability to add/edit/delete the content of their website without knowledge of HTML. Most hosting accounts have an HTML editor, but fewer have a text editor that allows users to add/edit/delete written content on their site, and if they do, the ability to add images and styling to the content does not exist. For example, Godaddy has a text editor within the control panel, so if you are feeling adventurous you can log in to your account, navigate through the maze of Godaddy’s website, access the control panel, locate the html file you want to edit, open it in the text editor, and finally make changes to the text. A rather simple process if you are a web developer or just Internet savvy, but what if you would rather stick pins in your eyes than have anything to do with the tech side of the web? Well, WordPress is the answer to all your problems. In case you are not familiar with the extremely popular blogging platform the website accurately describes it as a “powerful personal publishing platform.” I would alter this definition slightly to include “a powerful and easy web publishing platform.”

So, back to the common request that I receive from clients, well, my common reply is WordPress because building a website using with this platform gives clients the power and freedom to personally manage their web content after the website goes live. If a client has an existing site we simply copy the existing design into WordPress, thus saving the time and money of designing a new site.

You can see that the Admin section of WordPress looks and functions just like a text editor. Simply choose the page you want to edit, Home page for example, and edit the text. You can change font type, size, color, and add images too. You can even add pages to your site with a few clicks of the mouse. All of this without the need for a web designer or any knowledge of HTML/CSS. So, if you want to take more control of your website it might be time to try the content management powers of WordPress.

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