For a lot of eCommerce stores WordPress running Woocommerce is more than sufficient. I speak with a lot of clients who are sold on Magento for even though they have less than 1000 sku’s and don’t expect to have 100’s of sales a day. Magento is an awesome eCommerce platform but it is definitely an over kill for many projects. It is like driving a Hummer around San Francisco, a smaller less expensive car will actually make the task of driving around the city much easier.
WordPress Integration –
We all know that WordPress can be a powerful content management system (CMS) for businesses when developed intelligently. WooCommerce integrates seamlessly into newly developed as well as already customized WordPress sites through handy shortcodes and widgets. We’ve listed some of our favorite widgets that come already packaged with the installation:
Layered Navigation –
We’ve all seen price filters, but your eCommerce store is as unique as your business. This lets customers to filter through products based on custom attributes that you define.
Recent Products – Who doesn’t like shiny new things? Display any number of your most recently added products with this widget.
Top Rated Products – Word-of-mouth is still the most powerful form of marketing so let your loyal customers do the selling for you by displaying your top rated products.

We all suffer from short-term memory loss every now and then. Help a customer out by listing the products their most recently viewed products and remind them what they’re missing out on.
Who doesn’t appreciate a customer who knows what they want? Reduce clicks and drop-off rates by giving these well-informed buyers more control over their shopping experience.
Just like a brick-and-mortar business, there are clearly defined roles for eCommerce store management. As an eCommerce site owner, you might want to allocate some of the tasks of updating inventory to someone else. WooCommerce has created the Shop Manager Role for this very reason. Any number of user accounts can be assigned this role for just the management of products, orders, coupons, and store reports.
Your trusted and fully functional payment gateway system has been helping you run your business for years. We get it. And apparently WooCommerce does too, with its 90 fully integrated payment gateway options including Authorize.net, Mijireh Checkout, and multiple PayPal alternatives.
These are but a few of the many plugins and customizations that can be leveraged with Woocommerce. Take a look at Woo Themes to get an idea of where you can take your ecommerce store.